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The New Stuff

10 very interesting life and body hacks.

In this article instead of psychological  facts I will cover some body hacks. Hope you find these too very useful.

1. Breath easy

SinusIf you’re having difficulty breathing through your noses while you’re having cold, just press the upper part of your bridge of the nose and apply pressure on the roof of your mouth using tongue. Do it for 30 seconds and you will be able to breath out of both nostrils.

2. Night vision

Night Vision - Eye PatchIf you are in a dark place and need to get out or you were trying to sleep when you had an urge to take a piss just switch on the light using only one eye open and the other one closed. Now when you go back to your bed, your closed eye will still have night vision.
Context: This is why pirates wore eye patches. They keep one eye covered while above deck so that the covered eye adjusts to darkness. As soon as they go below deck where it’s dark, they remove the eye patch to utilize the already-dark-adjusted eye.

3. Jetlag

JetlagBlue light keeps you awake it doesn’t help if you’re trying to sleep. So painting your bedroom with blue color is not a good idea. Any firelight-band colors will help you to relax and go to sleep quickly. Also if you’re experiencing Jetlag just use lots of blue and green lights which will help you to adjust to the day/night cycle of a foreign place and thus by killing jetlag.

4. Banish pins and needles

Hands falling asleepRocking your head from side to side is a very effective technique to banish your pins and needles very quickly.

5. Appear more trustworthy

TrustIf you want to seem trustworthy to someone else here is one tip. If you speak quickly, the other person to whom you’re talking is more likely to find you more intelligent and trustworthy.

6. Make other people agree with you

Tip if you want another person to agree with you: Try mirroring their gestures with a  1 second delay. It will make them seem like your words are their thoughts which will eventually make them want to agree with your beliefs.

7. Improved immune system

Immune SystemIt has been shown that people who look at pictures of sick people gets an improved immune system. Some times it increases the immune system by a whopping figure of 20%.

8. Fix sore throat

Sore ThroatIf you’re having a sore throat, take a spoonful of Honey. It will cure it immediately.

9. Hiccups

hiccupsHaving trouble with hiccups, try this: Hold your breath, take three glasses of water one after one, then breath out, your hiccups will be gone.

10. Power poses

body-language-power-posesWhen you’re about to go into stressful environments such as a job interview which you desperately want to nail, try high power poses for 2 minutes. This will change your body chemistry and help you to do whatever you were going to do more efficiently. And never do the low power poses while you’re waiting for the interview or any such scenarios. See the above picture for the examples of high and low power poses.
With that I am summing up this article. I hope you find these bodyhacks useful. Be sure to comment down with your feedbacks or experiences.

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